Options for Everyone!

Polk Virtual School offers flexible options for all students. Regardless of grade level or where you are currently enrolled, PVS offers full-time and part-time options for traditional students as well as private school, charter school, hospital homebound, and home schooled students alike.

Private or Charter Students:
Students may only take courses by special agreement between administrative teams of the private/charter school and PVS/FLVS. The private/charter must complete and submit the memorandum of agreement through FLVS. Please contact the school's guidance counselor or administrator to determine if the school has partnered with FLVS/PVS.

Full-time Enrollment

Polk Virtual School full-time enrollment is an online public school program that serves students in grades K-12. Full-time elementary students must have a parent or guardian at home to serve as a learning coach. The parent/coach must assist the student with their daily lessons, logging attendance, and submitting assignments to the teacher. The average time per day parents spend assisting their children with lessons and assignments varies from 4-6 hours each day. Teachers have face-to-face contact with the student once per month to help develop social skills as well as review skills learned in the lessons.

A full-time middle or high school students should expect to spend approximately 6-7 hours on daily lessons and must take a full schedule of at least 6 classes. Students will receive a regular high school diploma just as in the traditional school setting. All courses align with the Florida Standards and prepare our students for college and a career.

Virtual school allows students the flexibility of logging into their courses at any time of the day to complete their lessons. This is beneficial to students that participate in extra-curricular activities during the day. Students also have an option to meet with their instructor if they need assistance with comprehending a lesson or are in need of one-on-one tutoring. This ensures maximum learning for the students.

Please be advised that full-time students must participate in all required state and district testing programs and must meet attendance expectations through daily work submissions.

Part-time Enrollment

Polk Virtual School (PVS) is a district owned franchise of Florida Virtual School. This program serves students in grades K-12 with courses that are accredited through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Students are able to participate in their zoned school throughout the day and also take courses with Polk Virtual School online. Students choosing part-time virtual instruction do so for a number of reasons.

Meet Florida Graduation Requirement:
Students may take virtual courses to meet the Florida state graduation requirement that all students must take at least one virtual course online after entering middle school.

Take Accelerated Courses or Courses Not Offered at Your Traditional School:
Unfortunately, if there's not enough interest your school may not be able to offer a course that you'd like to take. Access to such courses may be provided through PVS. Additionally, as one of the School District's acceleration opportunities, Polk Virtual School serves fourth and fifth grade public school students who have scored four's and five's on their most recent FSA and wish to take sixth grade courses. Polk Virtual School has partnered with the district middle schools to offer high school level Spanish and Latin to the students in the STEAM program. STEAM students may begin participating in the high school courses during their first year in the middle school.

Credit Recovery:
Students who did not pass a course in a traditional school may be able to recover credit by taking and passing the class online.

Save Money on Car Insurance:
Wait…What? Save money on car insurance? Did you know that you can take Driver Education online? It's true, it's easy and it even meets the state graduation requirement for taking an online course. Talk about win-win!

Regardless of your reason for enrolling in virtual education, Polk Virtual School offers a host of both core and elective courses to meet your needs.